Isaac Adejuwon is the CEO and Founder of Metricsf…
Isaac Adejuwon is the CEO and Founder of Metricsflow—a cutting-edge, privacy-friendly data attribution solution for marketers. A native of Nigeria, Isaac’s early life had its challenges. Electricity and running water were inconsistent, while there was no infrastructure for home internet. Much of his time was spent farming and playing soccer, but it was the introduction to a physics textbook that would spark a lifelong passion for science. That passion carried him to the University of Lagos where he majored in physics. He continued his studies at Memorial University in Newfoundland and Labrador, earning both undergraduate and graduate degrees in engineering. Isaac Adejuwon stops by to talk about growing up in Nigeria, his passion for science, why he chose to relocate to Canada, his experiences as a Nigerian-Canadian entrepreneur, and where the idea for Metricsflow came from. **Subscribe to the Media People Newsletter** **Listen & Subscribe**